
Why Can’t Ragdoll Cats Go Outside? [4 Dangerous Consequences]


Congratulations on adopting a beautiful Ragdoll cat! As a new cat owner, you may be wondering whether it’s safe for your feline friend to explore outdoors, right?

While most cat breeds may be suited for life outdoors, it’s important to know that Ragdoll cats are not one of them. In fact, experts advise against allowing Ragdoll cats to roam freely outside. But why can’t Ragdoll cats go outside? 

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself! Here I’ll provide you with a detailed answer along with the consequences of what can happen if you allow your ragdoll to roam freely. 

Why Can’t Ragdoll Cats Go Outside? – An Overview 

People often asked me why I never suggest anyone allow their Ragdoll outside of the home. 

My answer is Ragdolls have a docile nature; they can’t harm anyone. Yes, being harmless is a trait but only in the home because outside, there are wild animals who can take advantage of your cat, all thanks to their sweet and calm nature. 

Let me share my friend Arya’s experience; she had a beautiful Ragdoll cat. Her sister went out of town, leaving her Irish Setter dog at Arya’s home. For the first few hours, everything was great, but then she noticed that in her absence, the dog was trying to scare the cat. 

According to Arya, her Ragdoll was frightened at that time. Remember, this happened at home; now you can imagine what will be the consequences of allowing your Ragdoll to go outside. So be careful and know the consequences!

4 Dangerous Consequences of Allowing Your Ragdoll Outside 

Apart from personality, other things can also create issues for your Ragdoll that I’ll discuss below in detail. 

Injury from accidents 

One of the most significant dangers of allowing your Ragdoll cat to roam outside is the risk of traffic accidents. 

Unlike some other cat breeds, Ragdoll cats may not have the natural instinct to avoid vehicles, putting them at greater risk of being hit by a car or other vehicle. 

Even if your cat stays close to home, the danger of injury from traffic accidents is still present and can result in serious harm or even death.

Exposure to diseases

Another significant danger of allowing your Ragdoll cat to roam outside is the risk of exposure to diseases. 

When outside, your cat can come into contact with other animals, which can increase their risk of contracting serious illnesses such as fleas, lice infestation, etc. This is extremely dangerous because some disease doesn’t show any symptoms immediately.

Environmental hazards

After the diseases and accidental injuries, there are also environmental hazards for your Ragdoll. Since Ragdolls usually live indoors so, they don’t have any idea about what they should touch or eat outside like wild cats. 

This means your Ragdoll can come into contact with toxic plants or other hazardous materials that could be harmful or even fatal if ingested. 

Your Ragdoll may be lost

Ragdoll cats are known for their laid-back temperament, which may cause them to wander too far from home and become lost. Furthermore, some Ragdolls also lack the natural homing instincts necessary to find their way back home. 

Once lost, it can be challenging for Ragdoll cats to survive without access to food, water, and shelter. That’s why it is best to keep your Ragdoll cat indoors or in an enclosed outdoor area to ensure their safety.

Should Ragdoll cats go outside?

After reading all the consequences, you must be thinking of should Ragdoll cats don’t go outside at all. Honestly speaking, you should allow your Ragdoll to go outside, but only when you’re with them to supervise. 

All of the consequences I’ve shared above can only happen when you let them go alone in your neighborhood. If you’re with your cat, then there’s no issue because you can protect them and keep them away from any other potential harm, like dangerous plants. 

Can you take Ragdoll cats for walks?

Yes, Ragdoll cats can be taken for walks, although it may depend on the individual cat’s personality and preference. Some Ragdoll cats may enjoy walking on a leash and exploring the outdoors, while others may find it stressful or overwhelming. 

If you want to take your Ragdoll cat for a walk, it is essential to train them to wear a harness and leash from a young age. Start by introducing the harness and leash gradually, allowing your cat to get used to the feeling of wearing them. 

You can then begin practicing indoors before venturing outside. Once you’re sure your Ragdoll cat is ready for a walk on a leash, pick a safe area or park then you can go for a walk. 

Can you take Ragdoll cats for walks?

Frequently Asked Questions 

If your Ragdoll meowing to go outside, you should go on a walk with them. Never let them go anywhere outside alone because they are indoor cats and can’t survive outside. 

No, it is not cruel to keep a Ragdoll cat indoors, as long as they are provided with adequate mental and physical stimulation and care. 

Ragdoll cats are considered indoor cats due to their friendly and trusting personalities, which can make them vulnerable to various dangers when left unsupervised outside.

They don’t possess the natural survival instincts needed to avoid threats such as traffic accidents, exposure to diseases, and environmental hazards like other cats. 

To Wrap Things Up!

As a responsible cat owner, it is essential to understand the risks of allowing your Ragdoll to roam freely outside. 

The dangers of traffic accidents, exposure to diseases, and environmental hazards can have serious consequences for your furry friend. However, it is possible to take your Ragdoll for a walk on a leash under your supervision that too after proper training.

Make sure to read about how to train Ragdoll walking on leash or harness.

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